Typeahead or Autocomplete option in OTM generates lot of sql queries on DB server.
For Example : in Location Field , if you start typing the first 3 characters, OTM would return list of matches.
What actually happens in the background is OTM generates a query something like this : “ Select location_Xid from location where location_xid like ‘ABC%’ “
Imagine lot of users on the screens trying to fill the fields and OTM generating lot of autocomplete queries wil add lot of queries and load on db server.
Depending on DB Server capacity and connection Pools, this may or may not be an issue..
Adjust these glog.properies to manage this option
glog.ui.autocomplete=false (To turn off autocomplete )
glog.ui.autocomplete.start=3 ( change this to a higher value to see performance and adjust as needed)