Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Error when unassigning orders from a shipment with a stop level data


If we have a multi stop shipment and each stop has refnums or remarks or involved parties, and when you try to unassign the  orders related to one of the stops in between, otm throws error . This will be fixed in Otm 6.2.7

        ** Update, there was data consistency issues after the fix in 6.2.7 (Patch is available), Ask oracle for a Patch

Workaround -


1. Manually delete the refnums and other stop level data from shipment before unassigning orders related to the stop

2.change the process to populate the stop level remarks before Tendering the shipment


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Planning Shipments with Dynamic Pools in OTM

Here’s how Dynamic Pooling works in OTM.



A Region serviced by Multiple Pools



With out Dynamic Pool Option (Default), OTM would select one of Pool A or  Pool B in Selection Order and Try to Build a Shipment From the Pool.

OTM Would not evaluate all the Pool Options .

To handle these scnearios, we can use Dynamic Pool where OTM would evaluate all the matched Pools for a Region


To enable Dynamic Pool , set parameters  as below

