OTM Version 6.2.* has a bug that causes tremendous increase in Bulkplan Runtime when Rate Offerings use ExternalDrive for Transittimes (Like PCMILER).
There is a patch available in metalink .
OTM Version 6.2.* has a bug that causes tremendous increase in Bulkplan Runtime when Rate Offerings use ExternalDrive for Transittimes (Like PCMILER).
There is a patch available in metalink .
Here’s how Dynamic Pooling works in OTM.
A Region serviced by Multiple Pools
With out Dynamic Pool Option (Default), OTM would select one of Pool A or Pool B in Selection Order and Try to Build a Shipment From the Pool.
OTM Would not evaluate all the Pool Options .
To handle these scnearios, we can use Dynamic Pool where OTM would evaluate all the matched Pools for a Region
To enable Dynamic Pool , set parameters as below