Monday, November 7, 2011

Creating custom queues and Reassigning Topic groups for Performance


When you have a huge list of tasks running on the default queues, you might have some backlog / performance problems. In the example  below, we have Allocations running on shipments and is backlog on the default AgentPlanning queue. It will cause other tasks triggered on queue in backlog and has to wait..




to eliminate these issues, you can create custom queues and reassign the topic workflows to the custom Queue

Here are the property settings to redirect the topic group to custom Queue




Also remember to set the threads for the new queue

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sender System Name in OTM Outbound transmissions


When OTM sends any outbound communication, it includes the Source System URL. Sometimes this is long and clumsy depending on the installation. (Network and Internal DNS)

In order to change the URL and add a Logical System ID (Like ABC_OTMPROD) , make below changes in (custom Section)


!remove glog.integration.senderSystemId = $glog.webserver.URL$







Saturday, May 14, 2011

Performance Tuning Options for OTM


Typeahead or Autocomplete option in OTM generates lot of sql queries on DB server.

For Example :  in Location Field , if you start typing the first 3 characters, OTM would return list of  matches.


What actually happens in the background is OTM generates a query something like this : “ Select location_Xid from location where location_xid like ‘ABC%’ “

Imagine lot of users on the screens trying to fill the fields and OTM generating lot of autocomplete queries wil add lot of queries and load on db server.

Depending on DB Server capacity and connection Pools, this may or may not be an issue..


Adjust these glog.properies to manage this option


glog.ui.autocomplete=false (To turn off autocomplete )

glog.ui.autocomplete.start=3  ( change this  to a higher value to see performance and adjust as needed)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fixing Duplicate MAC Address error on VMWARE

Troubleshooting Error - “MAC Address --- of adapter Ethernet0 is within the reserved address range or Adapter Ethernet0 many not have network connectivity”



This error will appear when copy of a VM Image is running in parallel with the original VM and  you chose ‘I Moved it’ when prompted by VMware.




1. Shutdown the VM which has the error.

2. Go to the VM’s (The VM which is generating error) Folder and change the Folder Name .,. (change to any thing)

3. Launch the VMX File and VMware generates the same prompt,  choose “I Copied it”

This will fix the problem


Friday, February 11, 2011

Persisting Planning Parameter at shipment Level


with new 6.2 Release Oracle added functionality to store parameter used for building shipment at shipment Level. This  helps in using the parameter for various shipment actions with out relying on domain default parameter sets.

You can disable  this if you need to in Domain Settings


